A Grey Day at the Beach

Turning Low Contrast into Black and White

The ocean is one of my favorite locations to photograph. It has grown into a long-term project dealing with the constant change and the conflict between people and the protection from the barrier island beaches. This work represents a cloudy day that was very grey and low contrast – not a great black and white […]

Seasons of Sand

Light is everything. Especially at the beach, lighting controls texture and tone. For many, the beach is simply sand. However, the sand has seasons and to those that live on an island, the seasons of the sand are evident. The summer sand is my favorite. The light dusting that resembles confectioners sugar is tiny, light […]

Perfect Light

Freedom Alley

This particular image is one of those I made because I walk around downtown Rock Hill in South Carolina every day. I work there, so I take advantage of the opportunity. In fact, people that don’t know my name have referred to me as ‘the guy with the camera’ because I always have it with […]

Folly Beach Landscapes

Working with the Leica S007 Medium Format

I was walking down the street, camera bouncing against my side and the 4×4 and 4×6 glass filters in the back pocket of my shorts. I was slowly loosening the gitzo legs and retightening them after extending them fully. One by one, starting with the bottom section, I moved around the tripod until two sections […]

Recent Muses

Muse Calendar

March 2025
